1205 W. Morena Blvd, San Diego CA

Train for the Life You Want to Live!

Mature adults deserve to live a life with strength, agility, balance and confidence. Practicing better movement contributes to the independence to continue to do what you want and like to do in life. The demographic of 65 and older has grown to over 45 Million! Functional exercise for older adults means that you work as long as you desire, enjoy retirement and move with less discomfort and pain. Of course, the various ways of practicing better movement have to translate to how you move in everyday life. That connection highlights the joy of movement.

You deserve the respect to be safely challenged in the gym…so your everyday life is less of a challenge.

Strength, Confidence & Independence Has No Age Limit. What are you doing to hold onto that as long as possible? Work with Damien so you can live the life you deserve.

Are you here because you care about your loved ones (parent, sibling, family member, friend's) quality of life?

Damien's mentions

How Fitness Builds Confidence at Any Age

Confidence comes with age sometimes. It’s one of the great rewards of this time of life. Maybe you’ve raised a…

Give Thanks for These 15 Fitness Facts

Anytime we think about gratitude, most people often put their health high on the list. And not much boosts your…

10 Easy Tips to Feel, Move and Look Better

You don’t have to spend a fortune or your time at the gym just to feel, move and look better…

Contact Damien NOW!